Declutter your artist workspace
We’re coming up to the New Year – in fact, it’s a whole new decade! How’s your workspace looking? All ready to go? Or sadly cluttered? Here’s some inspiration to help you freshen up your artistic workspace…
We’re coming up to the New Year – in fact, it’s a whole new decade! How’s your workspace looking? All ready to go? Or sadly cluttered? Here’s some inspiration to help you freshen up your artistic workspace…
Working with other artists can be an incredible and inspirational experience. It can also be a complete disaster if you’re not careful! I’ll give you
Do you find yourself cherry-picking or deciding which tasks to do based on how you feel? Are you finding it hard to stop, even though
The new print version of ‘Organizing for Creative People’ (now ‘Organizing Your Creative Career’) is finally here! I’m delighted to say that the new chapter